USD/KZT 485.04 
EUR/KZT 525.98 

Karaganda region has always attracted investors due to its high industrial potential and rich mineral and raw materials base. However, according to Deputy Akim of the region Anuar Akhmetzhanov, not less opportunities for business lie in the development of off-balance mineral reserves and technogenic mineral formations. 
Since 2000 $64.3 billion has been invested into the solid minerals subsoil use in Kazakhstan. The exploration accounted for only 2.8% of this amount. The main issue for the State in this regard  now is to ensure the growth of the country’s resource potential, in particular through the adoption of the international system of reserves calculation, as well as the codification of the sectoral legislation. 
The immediate future of the national economy largely depends on timely replenishment of proven reserves of major minerals that have been mined extensively over the years of Kazakhstan’s independence.  Amir Ginatulin, leading geologist of “Geoincentr” LLP analyses the actual state of affairs in this area. 
The potential for recovery of the positions by Kazakhstan suppliers of iron ore in China market, which is limited today by low demand, has all the chances to be realized in the foreseeable future. This is the opinion of Nikolay Filkevich, the project manager of Metal Expert Consulting analytical company 
Last year, the FDI inflow reduced to $14.8 billion, which was the lowest result since 2007. At the same time, against the background of a catastrophic 60% drop in investors' interest in base material sectors, the processing industry proved to be more resistant to external shocks. This means that the focus on industrialization of economy is generally justified. 
In 2015, 28 companies of food industry, machine manufacturing and construction materials production started competing for a title of the best in the non-primary sector. This year operators of the Competitiveness Leaders – National Champions program decided not to limit to these three industries and to give more opportunities for large companies. 
The sixth year of implementation of the State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development was rather fruitful: only during the period from January to September one fifth of the GDP’s growth was achieved due to the Industrialisation Map projects. But will the year 2016 be the same? We shall keep in mind that currently actions of processing industry support are reconsidered taking into consideration possibilities of the budget 
Next three years the government and the National Bank plan to manage economy of the country in accordance with the new anti-crisis plan developed as per instruction of the Head of State. Unlike others earlier accepted anti-crisis projects, it includes spot support of real sector and creation of infrastructure for agriculture. 
The economy of South-Kazakhstan region, recently considered a predominantly agrarian, now is hardly the most diversified in Kazakhstan. Built here manufacturing industry support system attracts a growing number of investors not only from abroad, but also from other regions of our country. The Deputy Akim of South Kazakhstan region Saparbek Tuyakbayev shared with us the secrets of success. 
For cellular operators last year became one of the most eventful and, at the same time, one of the most complex in the history of mobile communication. Against the backdrop of increased competition the main condition of survival for them will be innovation implementation. 
Albert Rau, Vice Minister for investment and development, told us what kind of metal production the Kazakhstani companies should have to remain competitive in the long term. 
To attract foreign companies to the projects  in our country, Kazakhstan sends overseas special ambassador advisers. Vice Minister for Investment and Development Yerlan Khairov was interviewed by our magazine on this project. 
We have asked Chairman of the Management Board of KFICA Ulf Wokurka to tell us about the objectives, progress and plans of the Council for 2016. 
Kairat Kelimbetov, Managing Director of the AIFC: "Investment companies  need to increase their business reputation and qualifications of their staff, as the AIFC will not provide any discounts for local players". 
Alexander Kamalov, Chairman of the Management Board: "Sberbank SB JSC has invested in Kazakhstan's economy 2.2 trillion tenge". 
The Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Radosław Domagalski-Łabędzki, gives an exclusive interview for Kazakhstan Magazine. 
Polish Information and Investment Agency assists investors – both Polish and foreign ones – in the process of investment implementation and benefiting the most from doing business. 
To earn "National Champion status, a strong desire to become something bigger is required. 
Curtis Masters about new investment dispute panels wich were established in Kazakhstan in 2016 

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